Kinesiology: Structure & Movement I
135 hours
This three-part course explores the structure and movement of the human body through the in-depth anatomy and kinesiology of the skeletal and muscular systems.The course emphasises hands-on, multi-dimensional learning including extensive palpation of the accessible parts of the human skeleton and musculature. Students will work towards the following goals: - To acquire a conceptual understanding of the skeletal and muscular systems of the human body - To know definitions of and accurately use anatomical terms for directional location and movement at synovial joints - To identify the name, location and function of the 206 human bones. - To classify joints by both structure and function with a knowledge of the types and locations of each. - To accurately palpate bony landmarks relevant to the field of massage therapy - To palpate the entire length of each anatomically accessible muscle and know its location relative to surrounding structures, including sensitive or endangerment areas. - For muscles studied: To palpate origins, insertions, and bony landmarks; to describe and demonstrate primary and secondary actions; to demonstrate how to lengthen and shorten each muscle studied. - To demonstrate and identify variations in movement produced by eccentric, concentric, and isometric contractions. - To identify common alterations to body posture caused by muscular imbalances. To appreciate the beauty, intricacy, and balance in the working of the human body. Structure & Movement I – 48hrs Bones and Muscles of the Axial Skeleton Structure & Movement II – 42hrs Bones and Muscles of the Upper Limb Structure & Movement III – 45hrs Bones and Muscles of the Lower Limb
Cadaver Lab
3 hours
Students will have a unique opportunity to visit Southern Oregon University’s Cadaver Lab as an adjunct to Kinesiology. There, they will view the musculature and other internal body structures of a human cadaver. The individual level of participation in this experience depends on each student’s interest.
Anatomy/Physiology/Pathology I & II
99 hours
These college-level courses combine the study of anatomy and physiology with the study of pathology, creating a seamless survey of the science of the human body. While anatomy and physiology examine the structure and function of the human body, pathology examines the disruptions in homeostasis that may occur with disease. All topics are related in a clear and relevant manner to the practice of massage therapy. Students will come away with a thorough understanding of the workings of the human body, practical knowledge of commonly encountered health problems, and tactics for communicating and working with clients and other health professionals. -------------------------- AP/Pathology I (60 hours) - Chemistry & Cellular Biology - Tissues & Integumentary System - Muscular System - Skeletal System - Nervous System - Central Nervous System - Peripheral Nervous System - Autonomic Nervous System -------------------------- AP/Pathology II (39 hours) - Endocrine System - Cardiovascular System - Lymphatic & Immune System - Respiratory System - Digestive System - Urinary System - Reproductive System

Introduction to Palpation
10.5 hours
In this course, students will be introduced to the art of palpation (touch) through self-awareness, compassion, and receptivity. Specific topics covered include: - Ethics of touch - Awareness and intention - Physical and energetic connection
Introduction to Massage
3 hours
In this introductory class students are introduced to one another, the school environment and massage equipment, as well as the field of massage therapy in general.
Massage Foundations I & II
(107 hours)
Massage Foundations I & II are the fundamental courses of our Professional Massage Program. Primarily hand-on classes, Massage Foundations familiarizes you with the intimacies of this profession. Basic Swedish Massage techniques are the focus of specific hands-on work for Massage Foundations I, while Foundations II takes the student deeper into advanced techniques and modalities. All techniques are underscored with the importance of quality of touch, as massage primarily engages the nervous system of each client. Along with body mechanics, sensitivity of touch (palpation) and personal presence are woven throughout the curriculum. The ability to translate calming energy through every interaction is the cornerstone of successful massage sessions. These courses require giving and receiving much massage for assignments, and emphasize the importance of feedback in learning the craft. ________________________ Massage Foundations I (57 hours) - History of Massage - Safety & hygiene in the massage environment - Draping, handling the body safely, positioning the client - Practitioner Body Mechanics - Swedish Massage techniques & theory - Presence, pacing, and flow - Client intake skills, communication and boundaries ________________________ Massage Foundations II (50 hours) - Communicating & working with special populations - Advanced Massage techniques - Introduction to & integration of other modalities - Advanced client positioning - Time management considerations - Clinical preparations
Neuromuscular & Deep Tissue Therapy
(52.5 hours)
Combining techniques from Neuromuscular Therapy and deep tissue methods, this course explores deep tissue release and injury rehabilitation as well as how to relieve chronic and acute pain. Many specific techniques are taught for a diversity of conditions such as such as thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel, whiplash, and sciatica. - Introduction to treatment of chronic pain & injury rehabilitation with NMT techniques - Basic laws of Neuromuscular Therapy and understanding of Trigger Points - Importance of origins, insertions, and actions of muscles in relation to their treatment for pain - Treatment of specific musculoskeletal conditions
Myofascial Fundamentals
(45.5 hours)
This course teaches how to palpate and release restrictions within the body’s fascial system, as well as an overview of the theories behind myofascial work. This therapeutic modality requires a shift in thinking to perceive the body in terms of a fully pervasive fascial web, recently classified as an organ called the Interstitium. Myofascial work calls for no oil, is performed very slowly, and relies upon specific body mechanics for its effectiveness. Students will acquire enhanced palpatory sensitivity, greater body awareness, and the ability to contact and influence fascia through alignment, intention and gravity.
Therapeutic Integration
(56 hours)
This course builds on and makes use of all the skills and knowledge a student has learned thus far in the curriculum. Students will hone their palpation skills while learning how to identify postural or repetitive stress patterns and specific musculoskeletal conditions. They will learn to use orthopedic assessment skills and develop treatment plans employing a combination of new and previously learned techniques toward the goals of reducing pain and improving function. Career skills such as client interviews and medical charting will also be practiced and enhanced, and students will gain a thorough understanding of when and how to treat specific complaints and when to refer to another practitioner. The course will include the opportunity for each student to conduct case studies with specific clients while receiving individualized input from the instructor on treatment planning and techniques.

Chair Massage
7 hours
Bringing massage into the community is most commonly done by transporting a massage chair to an out-call location. Working with clients on a chair requires the practitioner to use a different set of body mechanics, business tactics, and techniques. This class prepares students to take the show on the road and ends with a supervised volunteer chair massage experience (or two!) in the community. Past venues include the Pear Blossom Run, Ashland’s First Friday Art Walk, Student and Family Housing at SOU, Rogue Valley Medical Center, Providence Hospital, YMCA, and others. This is a valuable and fun learning experience.
Chair Massage Events
15 hours
Students will choose from a variety of venues to participate in three chair massage events in the community. Students may participate in more than three events if desired and space is available.
Pregnancy Massage
7 hours
Pregnant women and their bodies require special attention during the formative months of a pregnancy. How to approach a pregnant body—and what to avoid—are taught in this hands-on class instructed by a pregnancy massage expert. Students will get to practice techniques with each other and watch a demonstration on a pregnant volunteer.
Elder Care
7 hours
Working with people in their later years is becoming more common as our population ages. The specific considerations for interacting with elders and providing safe and knowledgeable treatments are addressed in this initial course on elder care. The class includes an intimate Q&A session with a panel of seniors well-versed in massage, helping to bring awareness to the realities of aging and demystifying misconceptions about old age.
Sports Massage
14 hours
In this hands-on class, students delve into the world of the athlete and what therapists can do to properly support them. Starting with a review of relevant anatomy and kinesiology, this class focuses primarily on the lower body. Discuss concepts and techniques of sports massage, learn an invaluable 30-Minute Leg Flush routine, and practice hands-on assessment and treatment of common athletic injuries such as plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, muscle cramps, shin splints, and hamstring injuries. Students will gain a stronger understanding of athletic injury treatment and how to help their clients achieve their goals and excel in performance.
7 hours
Using water in hot and cold applications for health benefits is an ancient practice. This short introduction provides a brief history to this tradition, and fun hands-on explorations of effective and easy-to-use treatments.

Thai Massage
15 hours
Thai massage is a 2,500-year-old practice performed on the floor with clothes on. Methods include stretching, compression, rhythm, and joint mobilization. Students will learn a one-hour routine, parts of which can be translated to the massage table and integrated into a traditional Swedish massage. This course is both fun and reverent.
Eastern Theory
10.5 hours
Students will be introduced to foundational concepts of Eastern theory and will explore topics such as Five Elements, yin/yang, and meridian theory.
Community Clinic Experience
69 hours
These clinical experiences provide students the opportunity to integrate their knowledge and skills in real-life settings. - Twenty-four complete massage sessions with members of general public, in a supervised setting. - Feedback & discussion at the conclusion of each clinic session - Practice of appropriate skills in intake, assessment, treatment planning, and use of SOAP charting
Ethics & Communication
33 hours
Managing relationships with one’s self and clientele is the essence of the intimate profession that is massage therapy. In this class, we explore values, personal awareness, and how our individual histories influence our views, behaviors, and choices. We consider issues of boundaries, transference/countertransference, trust, sexuality/intimacy, professional practice policies, working with survivors of abuse/trauma, and somatic awareness, all seen through the lenses of both self and other. Special classes on Nonviolent Communication foster healthy verbal skills and self-awareness.
Professional Development
(27 hours)
This class gives students a chance to consider what kind of massage practice they want and how to build it. We cover essential business development skills such as vision, marketing, business/life plans, HIPPA, insurance billing, taxes, bookkeeping, and Oregon Laws regulating the practice of massage. - Oregon Statues and Regulations - Professional Vision - Private Practice - Marketing & Advertising - Communication with other professionals - Setting fees - Billing and collecting - Bookkeeping & Taxes - Insurance billing & HIPPA - Writing a business or life plan
Practical Review & Exam
17 hours
This culminating course provides a review of kinesiology, massage, pathology assessment and communication skills. Students refresh the information necessary to be at the top of their skill set upon graduation. An overview of the highlights of our core curriculum, this course concludes with AIM’s final exam.